| LinkMarkers | None | LinkMarkers is an option for Linkage3D and AnimateLinkage3D function, that specifies which link's LLRF will be displayed. |
| LinkGeometry | All | LinkGeometry is an option for Linkage3D and AnimateLinkage3D function, that specifies which link's geometry will be displayed. |
| JointMarkers | None | JointMarkers is an option for Linkage3D and AnimateLinkage3D function, that specifies the joint markers tob shown. |
| Resolution | 10 | Resolution is an option for GetLinkageRules function,that specifies the number of interpolation points between two base point. |
| FilterDuplicateFrames | False | Removes identical frames from the animation sequence before display it. |
| TraceStyle | Automatic | TraceStyle is an option for AnimateLinkage3D function, that defines the specifies style of the trace graphics. |
| TracePoints | None | TracePoints is an option for AnimateLinkage3D function, that specifies the points of the linkage, of that trace should be displayed. |
| TraceReferenceFrame | Automatic | specifies the link, whose LLRF is considered as the reference coordinate of the trace curves. |
| MarkerSize | 1 | MarkerSize is an option for Marker3D function, that define the length of the axes of the marker. |
| MarkerLabels | {x, y, z} | MarkerLabels is an option for Marker3D function, that specifies the labels of the axes. |
| MarkerLabelStylenb | {} | MarkerLabelStyle is an option for Marker3D function, that specifies the style of the marker labels. |
| MarkerAxesStyle | Automatic | MarkerAxesStyle is an option for Marker3D function, that defines the sytle of the axes. The style can contain a list of Arrow3D options. |
| AnimationDirection | Forward | AnimationDirection is an option which specifies the direction to run an animation. |
| AnimationRate | Automatic | AnimationRate is an option for Animate and Animator that specifies at what rate an animation should run, in units per second. |
| AnimationRepetitions | Infinity | AnimationRepetitions is an option to Animate and related functions that specifies how many times the animation they create runs before stopping. |
| Resolution | 10 | Resolution is an option for GetLinkageRules function,that specifies the number of interpolation points between two base point. |
| ParameterInitialGuess | Automatic | ParameterInitialGuess is an option for SetDrivingVariables function,that specifies initial guess values for the implicitly derived parameters. |
| JointLimitCheck | False | JointLimitCheck is an option for SetDrivingVariables function, that switches on or off the limit check in case of the driving variables. |
| AccuracyGoal | Automatic | AccuracyGoal is an option for various numerical operations which specifies how many effective digits of accuracy should be sought in the final result. |
| Jacobian | Automatic | Jacobian is an option for FindRoot. Jacobian -> Automatic attempts symbolic computation of the Jacobian of the system of functions whose root is being sought. A typical setting is Jacobian -> {{2 x, Sign[y]}, {y, x}}. |
| MaxIterations | 100 | MaxIterations is an option that specifies the maximum number of iterations that should be tried in various built-in functions and algorithms. |
| PrecisionGoal | Automatic | PrecisionGoal is an option for various numerical operations which specifies how many effective digits of precision should be sought in the final result. |
| StepMonitor | None | StepMonitor is an option for iterative numerical computation functions that gives an expression to evaluate whenever a step is taken by the numerical method used. |
| WorkingPrecision | MachinePrecision | WorkingPrecision is an option for various numerical operations which specifies how many digits of precision should be maintained in internal computations. |