LinkageDesigner Package Paclet Symbol | See Also » |
WriteVRMLAnimation[linkage, ls] generates a list animation of linkage , while the linkage is interpolates through the poses corresponding to the driving variable list ls, and exports it to the default WRL file. |
WriteVRMLAnimation[linkage, filename, ls] exports the animation of linkage using the driving variables interpolation (ls) to the filename WRL file. |
LinkMarkers | None | selects LLRF markers to display | |
LinkGeometry | All | selects link geometries to display | |
VRMLFontScale | 150 | define the scaling between the Graphics3D and VRML font size | |
VRMLPROTOLibFile | None | name of the PROTO Library file | |
TracePoints | None | List of points, whose trace is to be drawn | |
TraceStyle | Automatic | List of Graphics3D directive, that specify the style of the trace | |
VRMLViewPoints | Automatic | specifies the ViewPoint list of the VRML World | |
Resolution | 10 | number of interpolated points between the specified driving variables |