LinkageDesigner Package Paclet Symbol | See Also »|More About » |
GetLinkageRules[linkage, opts] returns a list of parameter rule of the linkage. |
GetLinkageRules[linkage, {recID1, recID2, ...}] returns a list of parameter rule, that belongs to the specified Linkage records (recIDi). |
GetLinkageRules[linkage, !{recID1, recID2, ...}] returns all parameter rule except those that belongs the specified Linkage records (recIDi) |
GetLinkageRules[linkage, drvls] returns a two dimensional list of interpolated parameters. The interpolation is specified with the drvls, which is a list of driving variables. |
IncludeDrivingVariables | True | Include/Exclude the parameters in the $DrivingVariables record | |
IncludeSimpleParameters | True | Include/Exclude the parameters in the $SimpleParameters record | |
IncludeDerivedParametersA | True | Include/Exclude the parameters in the $DerivedParametersA record | |
IncludeDerivedParametersB | True | nclude/Exclude the parameters in the $DerivedParametersB record | |
SubstituteParameters | True | Substitute the parameter values on the right side of the rules. | |
Resolution | 10 | Number of interpolation steps between the driving variable values |