LinkageDesigner Package Paclet Symbol | See Also »|More About » |
Linkage2D[linkage] renders linkage in the actual posture in 2D as Graphics object. The function renders linkage first with Linkage3D, than project the geometries to x-y coordinate plane. |
Linkage2D[linkage, dir] porject the 3D graphics primitive to the dir plane. Possible values for dir: {Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Front, Back}. |
Linkage2D[Dynamic[linkage]] renders linkage in the actual posture as dynamic Graphics object. |
Top | project to the upper x-y plane | |
Bottom | project to the lower x-y plane | |
Left | project to the left y-z plane | |
Right | project to the righ y-z plane | |
Front | project to the front x-z plane | |
Back | project to the back x-z plane |
LinkMarkers | None | defines the name of the links, of that the LLRF should be displayed. | |
LinkGeometry | All | defines the name of the links, of that the geometry should be displayed. | |
JointMarkers | None | specifies the joint markers tob shown. | |
MarkerSize | 1 | define the length of the axes of the marker. | |
MarkerLabels | {x, y, z} | MarkerLabels is an option for Marker3D function, that specifies the labels of the axes. | |
MarkerLabelStyle | {} | MarkerLabelStyle is an option for Marker3D function, that specifies the style of the marker labels. | |
MarkerAxesStyle | Automatic | MarkerAxesStyle is an option for Marker3D function, that defines the sytle of the axes. The style can contain a list of Arrow3D options. | |
ForceSize | 5 | specifies the size of the maximum force vector | |
ForceStyle | Automatic | graphics directrives of the force elements | |
AnnotateLinkage | False | add mouse annotation to the linkage |