LinkageDesigner Package Paclet Symbol | See Also »|More About » |
Gear[z, m] returns the Graphics3D primitive of the gear having z teeth and m modulus. |
Gear[z, m, "prop"] gives the value of the specified property of the gear. |
PressureAngle | 20 Degree | PressureAngle is an option for the Gear function. It specifies the Pressure angle of the teeth. The default value is 20 deg. | |
GearWidth | 10 | GearWidth is an option for the Gear function. It specifies the width of the gear. The default value is 10mm. | |
Addendum | 1 | Addendum is an option for the Gear function. It specifies the radius of the addendum circle as Ra=Rp+a*m. The default value is 1.000. In case of InnerSpur gears the values of Addendum and Dedendums are exchanged. | |
Dedendum | 1.25 | Dedendum is an option for the Gear function. It specifies the radius of the dedendum circle as Rd=Rp-d*m. The default value is 1.2500. In case of InnerSpur gears the values of Addendum and Dedendums are exchanged. | |
GearType | ExternalSpurGear | GearType is an option for the Gear function. It specifies the type of the gear. Possible values are: {ExternalSpurGear,InternalSpurGear} | |
ProfileApproximation | 3 | ProfileApproximation is an option for the Gear function. It specifies the number of points used for approximating the involute gear tooth's profile. The default value is 3. | |
GearRingWidth | 10 | GearRingWidth(gw) is an option for the Gear function. It specifies the difference between the outer radius and the pitch radius of the ring rOouter-rP=gw. The default value is 10. | |
GearHelixAngle | 10 Degree | GearHelixAngle is an option for the Gear function. It specifies the helix angle of the gear.The default value is 10 degree | |
HelicalProfileApproximation | 3 | HelicalProfileApproximation is an option for the Gear function. It specifies the number of sections used for approximating the helical gear profile. The default value is 3. | |
GearProfileOrientation | {1, 0} | GearProfileOrientation is an option for the Gear function. It specifies the orientation of the gear profile. The option is defined as {i,ang} where i={-1,1} and ang is an angle. i=-1 means that the walley of the gear is aligned i=1 means that he hill of the gear is aligned.This option can be used to set the orientaion of the mating gears. The default vaule is {1,0} |