
DefineDesignProblem[linkage, points]
builds a synthesis problem for the four-bar mechanism. The design points define planar frames with {{x, y, }, ..} coordinates. x, y coordinates defines the origin of the frame, while specifies the angle between the x axes of the frame and the reference frame.
DefineDesignProblem[1, points]
builds a synthesis problem for the four-bar mechanism with fourbar1 linkage.
DefineDesignProblem[2, points]
builds a synthesis problem for the four-bar mechanism with fourbar2 linkage.
  • The first argument of the function is either fourbar1 or fourbar2 linkage, that are pre-loaded with the package.
  • The design points are defined in the plane where the four-bar mechanism is defined.
  • 1. The $DesignPoints record are defined where the homogeneous matrices of the design points are stored.
  • 2. The "Design" link is attached to the "Ground" link and the geometry with the design points are defined
  • 3. The $GrashofConstants record is added to the linkage
  • 4. The $CrangAngleLimit record is calculated and added to the linkage
  • The following options can be used:
MarkerSize1Specifies the size of the design markers
MarkerLabelStyle{}Style of the design markers
Load the LinkageDesigner package
Click for copyable input
Define the design problem
Click for copyable input
Display the records
Click for copyable input
Display the design markers and the corresponding coupler links
Click for copyable input